Serena J. Cavanaugh :: Blog

December 3, 2009

Raising Teens

Filed under: Cultural Rants, Parenting — Tags: , , , , — serena @ 3:23 pm

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: teens are God’s way of helping mothers let them go. It’s not that they are bad, it’s just that they aren’t likeable. (more…)

November 12, 2009

Greener School Lunches

Mason Jars Replace Boxes, Bottles and Smelly Thermoses

So we’re all trying to live greener and healthier. Then there’s the school lunch. It offers a green-living, food-purist some serious issue.

Even before I endeavored to be green, I had a problem with the school lunch what with the difference between a 100% natural fruit drink, 100% juice and 100% fruit juice and natural flavor versus no artificial flavor. Then there was the question of high fructose corn syrup… and finally, landfills. (more…)

November 6, 2009

Banana Bread French Toast

Filed under: Food & Recipes, Married to a Miser — Tags: , , , , — serena @ 2:31 pm

Save a Buck, Conserve Resources and Eat Well!

So you all know I’m married to a miser, right?

Which means I have to make the most of EVERYTHING. Especially in the kitchen because my miser is extremely sensitive about how much we spend on groceries. I’m not sure why this is, but I suspect it has to do with the fact that groceries are my gig, as opposed to his. (more…)

September 4, 2009

Literary Flings and Affairs, Episode 3

The Short Story



There was a time in my life when all of the sudden, short stories were all I read. Granted, they always had their place: say in school for Literature study purposes and in the doctor’s office, just to kill time. But this particular period of my life, I actually purchased volumes of collections and read one after the other.


My husband, in his younger years, suffered something similar. We call them compulsive one night stands. (more…)

May 27, 2009

Literary Flings and Affairs, Episode 1

Filed under: Cultural Rants, Literature — Tags: , , , , , — serena @ 12:36 pm

       Dark Seduction        


            I don’t usually read Science Fiction and Fantasy, but I have a little brother (and no matter how much taller he is than me, he’s still little) who devours the stuff.


             Several years ago, he got me involved with a fellow named George R.R. Martin. Utterly helpless within the forceful grip of his story, I succumbed completely and with abandon, to the seduction of his characters and the foreign world they inhabited. By (more…)

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